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  • E2C

Sessions, Workshops & Counselling's

A Comprehensive Approach


Knowledge with Ease

We not only facilitate teacher/counsellor training workshops nationwide (within and beyond schools), but also create well-curated campus visits to our partner higher education institutions globally.

E2C - The Path

At E2C as we have global reach and partner institutions around the world, that's why we can bring the best of Mentors, Teachers, Counsellors and the Corporate Professional for our workshops. We can not only cater to the session works, but also believe that there is an urgent need to foster strong mental and social health amongst today’s children so that they can connect with their peers, their elders, the community, the environment, etc. The main objective of our programs is to direct children’s mind in constructive activities with positive outcomes through the facilitation of creative and critical thinking. This would help them to develop self-confidence and self-esteem.

Therefore we as E2C always try to cater to the core needs of the students learning curve by addressing the crucial topics for the fair understanding. We support students in identification and selection of the causes they want to support and take up as projects, brainstorm and create the mind-maps. We try to guide students on how to plan, implement, review and take responsibility for their decisions.

We also try to focus through our sessions to underline the significance of the interdependence of all human beings and our dependence on the environment in this shrinking global village. Students will be able to acknowledge that they have a responsibility towards the less privileged, the disadvantaged, the society, and the environment. The principle of giving to society has to become second nature to them in order to see better future for humanity.

Get Inspired

This is an active step towards broadening a school’s reach to well beyond their city or even country and contribute to every student’s professional development. So connect with us today and lets change the tomorrow together.

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